the world is dying and i’m standing on concrete eight hours a day
the world is dying and i’m putting on a hat that’s too small and shoes with inserts
the world is dying and they scream at me over the headset
the world is dying and i want to rip their hair out, slash their tires, throw myself out the window
the world is dying and i’m working fast food
the world is dying while i’m in my prime
the world is dying while i search the sale rack at urban outfitters
the world is dying while i jog two miles on the treadmill then do pilates
the world is dying while i pinch my sides, finally happy with my figure
the world is dying while i’m a girl
the world is dying but i don’t call my sister and know nothing about her clinicals
the world is dying but i tune my mother out with greta van fleet in the car
the world is dying but i disregard the light and surprise in my father’s eyes when i strike conversation
the world is dying but i’m jealous of my brother’s charm
the world is dying but i haven’t made peace with my family
the world is dying so i read more
the world is dying so i curse more
the world is dying so i dream more
the world is dying so i stare into space more
the world is dying so i’m a writer
the world has died, i haven’t been on a date
the world has died, i haven’t held hands
the world has stopped
it’s stopped and i’m still going
it’s stopped but i’m still going
it’s stopped so i’m still going
it’s stopped, i haven’t
Here’s my latest:
Til next time,
Lauryn :)